My Grandmother used to sing a song to me . . . It went something like this; . . . A story I’m going to tell of a women old and gray . . . Walking the streets in the cold and the sleets at the end of a winters day. Quite weary she sank in a chair in front of a building grand . . . when a youth inside with over bearing pride came and ordered her away from there. Next door there stood a newsboy who owned a little stand . . . He saw the poor old lady ordered from the building grand . . . He ran inside his humble store as if in childish glee . . . He brought a chair from out the place with a smile upon his face . . . As these kind words he said; ...Take a seat old lady for you are welcome here . . . You’ll find it here and waiting when you pass this way . . . In silence she sat for awhile . . . poor soul she could scarcely speak . . . At last she arose and said with lips that were trembling blue . . . I’ll remember you lad once I had a boy like you . . .Well, three years have come and gone since then . . .the same old place we see. . . the boy received a letter wondering from whom it could be . . . She had died without a kin , . . Left her millions all to him . . . Through these kind words he said . . . Take a seat old lady for you are welcome here . . . you’ll find it here and welcome when you pass this way.
It’s really something, the things you remember when reminiscing in the middle of your night My grandmother used to sing a lot of songs like this and they all seem to have so much meaning. These are things that I haven’t thought about in well over 50 years. Yet I can hear them now as if she were here in person singing to me. Listen here’s another one...Once there was a Dutchman who invented a terrible machine. It ground long tail rats and pussycats into sausages and things... Oh Mr. Dundenbeck how could you be so mean...For long tail rats and pussy cats nare more will be seen...Their grounded into sausages on that terrible machine. Now something got the matter with the machine it wouldn’t work... So Dundenbeck got inside to see what he could do...His wife she had a night mare was walking in her sleep... She gave the crank one hell of a yank now Dundenbeck is meat. That’s probably not exactly how it went but isn’t it funny how things come back in the middle of the night.
Times when I’m all alone when all the work is done. These are the times when I reminisce bringing back sweet memories of days gone bye. The mind is the key to the vehicle that travels the roads and byways of time. All these journeys and their detours that couldn’t be avoided come back in flashes. My mind takes me places that I had forgotten exist. The mystery is how the mind covers the hurts, disappointments, tragedies and heartbreaks with shadows so they vaguely appear. It seems like when I reminisce it’s of goodness and cheer and hardly ever of the bad things that bring up a tear.
Where am I going with this? I really don’t know. When I reminisce my mind rambles from here to there. I pick up bits and pieces of memories that are scattered all over my past. I sit at my keyboard typing things down at a steady rhythm not stopping until I’m through Times like this I come up with the thoughts and ideas of all that I write.. So what you’re getting now is just mental jabber that may or may not lead some place. Believe it or not my best ideas come from moments like this.
This is something that I normally wouldn’t put into print but I thought it would be fun to show you how my mind really works. My thoughts and ideas are stimulated and motivated by past experiences brought back in memory while reminiscing. I can touch, smell, and taste all the memories I embrace Everything comes back to me so vividly that it’s like reliving each magic moment. For instance, I can remember when I was just a young lad I had a goat named Billy who use to pull me around in a little red wagon. Then there was my first real love, a little red headed girl with all kinds of freckles, her name was Joy Jarmen. Each one of theses memories were simple and insignificant but they had a multitude of happy experiences attached to them. I could write a story about me and my Billy goat and another about my first attraction to the opposite sex.
It’s so wonderful, specially if you’re lonely at times, to relive the happy and what was to you the exciting memories of your past. There’s a story in each one of the experiences that you’ve had and literally hundreds unfold to you as you reminisce in the past. It’s said that when you’re about to die your whole life flashes through your mind in an instant. It’s remarkable how your mind can think about so many things things all at the same time. Memories are all the treasures stored in your mind the parable being a library with thousands of books each one being a different event of your life. Can you just imagine if you were the author of all these books how many books you would have written. Just think? All the wild adventures, the special events, the love stories, the mysteries, and the tragedies that would have all been written by you and stored in your own library. Mind boggling isn’t it? All of this . . . when you reminisce
I loved reading 'A Moment of Mine.' I too remember past things that have happened in my life that I wished would never end. Time flies by and then one day the memory just erupts as if time has stood still as you think back to the time and place of happiness that you spent with a friend or loved one. I think that we have forgiven the ones that have wronged us is why we don't remember them so much. Forgiveness takes a while to forget what happened but it is funny that the most lovely times appear in our thoughts instead of the bad. Thank you for sharing your memories with us. Each story that you tell brings us a little closer to knowing the real you and all the many lives you have lived all rolled up into one lifetime. I send you my love of friendship and smile as I do so.
Tamm (Tamara Lesley)